The Friends of Old Headington have produced a guide ' aimed at promoting understanding of the problems of repair, extension and new building within the conservation area of Old Headington in the city of Oxford'
A PDF version of this guide is available here.
A supplementary booklet on 'Sources of Information and Materials' is available here as a PDF.
I just wanted to pass on a brick supplier who we found did fantastic bricks (we went through a lot of options and many brick samples to get something that the council approved, and were very happy with the end result).
MORTAR MIX One part cement Two parts lime Nine parts sand – but not DIY sand because it is bright orange – must be builders’ sand
Guidance on tree felling and hedge and tree pruning is available here
A briefing note on Accoya timber suitable for new or replacement doors and windows is available here
Advice on window replacement and double glazing is available on request
Stopping the Rot An English Heritage guide to enforcement action to save historic buildings